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New generation computing tools for decarbonized building and district energy systems based on open standards

Target Audience: |
Engineers, Architects, & Simulationists
Date and Time: |
April 27th, 2022 – Noon to 1:00 p.m. MT
Location: |
Zoom Webinar
Registration: |
WEBINAR Presentation Click Here
Due to demands caused by climate change, the energy sector is undergoing a rapid transition. Energy systems for buildings and communities need to become decarbonized, grid-responsive/efficient, resilient, and adaptive to changes in usage, technology options, and markets. This leads to increased complexity in their design and operation. Fortunately, new energy systems provide an opportunity to integrate and optimize renewables and storage across multiple prosumers and energy carriers. New system architectures and control challenges emerge, as do new requirements on design flows that can manage the increased complexity. After laying out these challenges, we will present recent progress on new generation computational tools for building and district energy and control systems. We will also present new tool chains that allow for rapid system-level prototyping, model-based design flow and digitization, ranging from design to installation and operation. We will close with a discussion about what foundation should be built to meet design and operation challenges of decarbonized energy efficient systems.
Michael Wetter