Extech Thermo-Anemometer

File Attachments: 
Air Velocity & Temperature with Surface Temperature
Sensor Range (Accuracy): 
Air Velocity Range Resolution Accuracy m/s (meters per sec) 0.40 - 30.00 m/s 0.01 m/s ± (3% + 0.20 m/s) km/h (kilometers/hour) 1.4 - 108.0 km/h 0.1 km/h ± (3% + 0.8 km/hr) ft/min (feet per minute) 80 – 5900 ft/min 1 ft/min ± (3% + 40 ft/m) mph (miles per hour) 0.9 – 67.0 mph 0.1 mph ± (3% + 0.4 MPH) knots (nautical MPH) 0.8 to 58.0 knots 0.1 knots ± (3% + 0.4 knots) Air Flow_Range_ Area CMM (cubic meters/min) _Range: 0-9999 m3/min_Area: 0 to 9.999m2 CFM (cubic ft/min)_Range: 0-9999 ft3/min_Area: 0 to 9.999ft2 Air Temperature: Range_Resolution_Accuracy 14 - 140F (-10 - 60C)_0.1F/C_4.0F (2.0C)

Measures remote surface temperatures to 932°F (500°C) with 30:1 distance to spot ratio and Laser pointer; Simultaneous display of Air Flow in CFM/CMM or Air Velocity plus Ambient Temperature
