High Performance Classrooms

Target Audience: |
Engineers & Architects
Date and Time: |
May 8th, 2024 – Noon to 1:00 p.m. MT
Location: |
Idaho Water Center - Room #150322 E. Front Street Boise, ID 83702
Parking: |
Parking is available underneath the building or in the adjacent parking garage.The first hour of parking is free, each subsequent hour is $1.00.
Registration: |
To Register for In-person Attendance* Click Here;WEBINAR Presentation Click Here
Student enrollment in Ada County is projected to grow by 1,000 students per year for the next ten years and at least six capital projects are planned in the West Ada District alone to meet this demand. This session will cover a variety of issues facing the design of an efficient, healthy, and productive classroom environment. A quick look at the state of the last 50 years of school design will give an introduction to the problems faced by designers. This session will highlight several case studies of high performance schools in the Northwest to address daylighting, natural ventilation, and integration of mechanical systems. Each passive strategy will be addressed in detail with regional examples and performance research.
HSW Justification: Participants will learn what makes a classroom "good" through exploring four qualities of the indoor environment (Temperature, Air Quality, Light, and Noise) and how they affect a student performance.
Damon Woods